“Passionate Crucifix by Maisie Aletha Smikle
I came for the lame
I came for the maim
I came for the dame
I came for all bearing no shame
I was loved
I was hated
I was envied
I was despised and chastised
I healed the sick
I resurrected the dead
I gave you my body
But yet you wanted my soul
My soul you cannot have
It belongs to my Father in Heaven
The pain I bore
I need no more
You hit me...You beat me
You arrested me without a charge
You drove nails in my body
And hang me tall for all to see
Oh the cruelty you have done to me
I bled from your lashes you inflicted
I gave you water when you thirst
But you gave me vinegar for my thirst
Oh how my soul doth burst
From the thorns you have stuck in my flesh
My body ached from your infliction
You have no affection
I said Father let thy will be done
I said angels do not come
I ordered the order of all things
I allowed you to crucify me
You are ruthless mean and unkind
I'd rather be with my Father in heaven
A thousand angels I will not call
Instead I will leave my ghost with you
I do not want to be in the flesh among you
Take my holy ghost if you please
Leave it if you please
The choice is yours to please
I could have called a thousand angels
But I would rather live with my heavenly Father
I will see you in Heaven
If my Father let you in
I will not remain with you in the flesh anymore
You are unkind ruthless and mean
You hammered nails in my flesh like wood
And cared not about the pain I withstood”