Friday, July 3, 2020

Heavenly Father, we love you, honor and extol you so high above all in Jesus name.


O God, you are so high, where there are no treacheries which are designed for the endless pit and low places without a bottom. Halleluyah. 

Thank you Father that even on this planet ball,  that you have created, You dwell with us. 

Father, lift us up above your footstool in the name of Jesus, so we can be in your glorious mansion on that blessed day when Jesus our Afro Brother returns. 

Do not tarry dear Father because the treacherous coveted us and have seized our mansion on earth, leaving us penniless to scald  under your  Heavens. 

The treacherous and envious have divided, scattered, demolish and plunder our land and possessions. 

Oh Dear Father reward the envious treacheries, each and every single one, double, in like manner with what they have done to us in the name of Jesus Christ. 

All glory and praise  to you oh Allah, Jehovah, Abba, most magnificent God in the name of your blessed Son, of the chosen and elect Mary, Jesus Christ our Lord,  Saviour and King arriving soon. Amen. 

May the countenance and presence of Jehovah God be upon you,  now,  today and forevermore in Jesus name. Have an awesome day.